Save The Cat Productions strives to adapt to emerging technologies, breaking through the boundaries of imagination and creative thinking and turning them into reality by incorporating them in any businesses.

We started with a vision and became a reality. Gathering talented creatives in the Philippines, we are now ready to Save The Cat!

Save The Cat Productions, Inc. focuses on sharing the stories of regular heroes in an effective and powerful way. STCP is committed to bringing you into the spotlight, whether it's for a corporate brand or a personal initiative.

More than a company, STCP is called to help Christian ministries and churches communicate their stories. In an effort to spread the Gospel of Christ, STCP employs both standard and unconventional means of content production.

Whether you're the cat or the hero, we know you have a story to tell. It's meow or never!


To be one of the most influential and inspiring production companies in the Philippines and beyond.


To produce showpieces through imaginative storytelling and visual technology.

Core Values

Dedication to God. Our work is dedicated to God above - the sole reason why we do what we do.

Love for Craft. This is not just a job, this is in service of our passion to tell stories.

Team Driven. No major cattitude! No matter what we do, we keep ourselves grounded.